How-to Cards
The practical and handy reference

Contributing to How-to Cards#

How-to Cards are managed in LCSB GitLab group lcsb/howto, and developed using git and Markdown.

To get a login in LCSB GitLab, you will need a LUMS account.

If you are not familiar with git and want to edit a How-to Card, please refer to the following guides:

If you are familiar with git: the contributions follow the usual git workflow: You commit your changes into the target repository, open a merge request, and How-to Cards maintainers will review and merge your request as soon as possible. If you are familiar with git, the documentation present in the GitLab group page should provide you with sufficient guidance.

We maintain the documentation of the best practices for contributing with git:

If you were asked to review a merge request in How-to Cards repository:

All cards relevant to the contribution process are collected in the contribution category.